HANNAH PHELPS-T1D’s got nuthin’ on her!

HANNAH PHELPS-T1D’s got nuthin’ on her!

HANNAH PHELPS-T1D’s got nuthin’ on her! 

Story featured in SLAMT1D’s 2018 Program Magazines for the Vermont Summer Classic and Tampa Classic with Sam Fuld & Friends 


Wednesday, January 16, 2013 our entire family’s life changed forever.  Our daughter, Hannah was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. She was eight years old.  I remember everything about that day.  I remember the car ride to the emergency room being the longest ride of my life. I remember constantly watching Hannah and thinking, “Is she ok? Is she going to pass out in the car? What is Type 1 diabetes?  How did our lives suddenly changed in the blink of an eye!?” When the doctor walked into the room and told us the news, I still remember not knowing what to think.    

My husband Josh and I struggled with a mix of emotions in the hospital while we waited on the next doctor’s visit.  One minute we were crying, the next we are laughing all the while trying to keep Hannah’s mind off of what was happening.  The stay in the hospital was overwhelming.  We received an avalanche of information in the three days.  We were given a crash course in what Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is, how to count carbs, how to give an injection, what correction factors are, how to treat blood sugar lows and highs, and most importantly how to keep our little girl healthy from that day forward.  On the day we were to leave, I remember being terrified that my husband and I were now responsible for not only keeping Hannah healthy, but keeping her alive. I said to Josh, “It’s time to put on my big girl pants and deal with this!”  

Two weeks after Hannah was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, our friend and fellow Blue Jay’s teammate of Josh’s introduced us to Sam Fuld, and then Jeff Kolok and the SLAMT1D family.  Over the past five years we have met so many wonderful people through this organization.  Hannah has attended the Sam Fuld’s T1D Sports Camp in Tampa, Florida for the past 5 years.  In addition, our family and friends have had a team in the SLAMT1D WIFFLE Ball Tournament since it began in Tampa 4 years ago.  Team “Sick of Prick’s” has been voted the most creative team name in the tournament. “Sick of Pricks” refers to the amount of times people with Type 1 diabetes has to prick themselves to check their blood sugar levels (3,285 time per yr. !) as well as change out their port sites for their insulin pump (121 times per yr.) and continuous glucose monitor CGM (52 times per yr). That’s needles and punctures every time! 

Fast forward five years. Hannah is a healthy 13 year old. She’s a “straight A” student in 8th grade and has illustrated a children’s book, “Bedtime on the Reef.”  Hannah is an all-star catcher for her softball team and enjoys roller skating, swimming, and reading.  She is the typical 13 year-old kid in spite of Type 1 diabetes. While she has to do things her pancreas would do if it wasn’t broken, she’s just like any other teenager with big dreams and the drive to chase them.   

Our family operates in the same way other families do; we just have to deal with a few more “pricks” in our life.