Anthony “Three Fingas” Abundanzo Sets Betting Line in SLAMT1D’s 13th Annual Vermont Summer Classic

Anthony “Three Fingas” Abundanzo Sets Betting Line in SLAMT1D’s 13th Annual Vermont Summer Classic

Brooklyn’s Abundanzo drops the latest line for 2024 tournament

Brooklyn, NY-July 2024

Abundanzo: “Twenty-seven teams, you kiddin’ me? The line’s a good one, gotta lot of insides from my guys out in the fields. We got sleepas and heavies; got a few that could surprise. We’ll see, ya know what I’m sayin’? 

AWAA: Like I said last year, layin’ 3-1. Cole’s got these guys practicin’ day and night in that Petunia Park or whatever up in Albany. They wanna get back in and do some real damage. Gonna go deep these guys.

Bat Attitudes: My guy up there says they just did some music thing, raised a ton of dough, team chemistry is high he says. Only thing, if they gotta depend on the old Rahaim guy to do anything big on the field… g’night, ain’t happenin’. And Jones, he says they’re tryin’ to find her a cushy coaching gig, she keeps complaining about a sore this, sore that. Madon! 8-1.

Dugout Dawgs: 15-1. Young guns gettin’ better, older guns turnin’ into pop guns. More competitive, knocked down a “W” here and there last year. Some uv ‘em play in jeans, these guys. You kiddin’ me? In August?

Dell Ave Devils: I laid 5-1 on this cast last year, kept hearin’ good things. Then they come up and lose games every which way. The guy Paul…top flight pitcher but the red-haired guy was too light with the bat: looked like he was swattin’ flies…and missin’! I’m takin’ this year, 7-1.

Dunder Wifflin: Look, they got an Evangelo, and gotta have another Nablidon or two. That’s all I gotta know. Second year, word is they’re lookin’ to overtake Red, White & Brew. 10-1, takin.

Hallam-ICS: What’s an “ICS”? These guys, they’re too nice these guys. I’m tellin’ yuz. Word is they got into a wheelbarrow race for one of them tie breakers, they didn’t know they had to beat the clock! Next thing, them two are walkin’ around like they’re in La La land, smellin’ the ivy, wavin’ to fans! 20-1.


Electric City Heartbreak Kids: Last year, I went 3-1, heavy on these guys. Didn’t make it. Loaded with my paisans. They musta hit the gabagool and parm sangwiches before the games. I’m pushin’ the line this year, goin’ 9-2. Big inaugural game vs Staten Island at Little Yankee. Huge.

SB Wiffle: These here guys, they’re like Secretariat at Belmont Stakes. I’m tellin’ yuz. They could run away with this thing, and not just because they got a bunch o’ paisans! Fontana throwin’ cheese, Cafiero and Fragola bouncin’ here, there. Heavy, heavy here…I’m goin’ Even money!

Farrell Distributing: OK, so this crew has a lot of fun. Word from the Roberge guy is he’s pickin’ up a couple free agents. Are they winnin’ a lot of games? Last year…No. This year…like they say, “Who knows?” Yeah, I do…50-1, but high entertainment this outfit.

Bush League Boys: They say the guy Bissell’s “in the know”. Dunno what he knows in the know, but I’ll tell yuz what I know that ain’t in the know: Nuthin’. They’re whaddya say, clandestine like, in the shadows of them woods in Vermont. I like the guy Cipicchio just because and hear the guy Diego might be related to Brooks, and Oscar related to Frank, Ryan or maybe even Boog Powell. Bissell’s related to Bissell, Bissell and Bissell. First-year team, 20-1.

Basals Loaded: New team. Never played wiffle ball, they’re taking it slow this year, the manager Henry says. Exhibition year they’re sayin’. But word is the guy Matty “Boundless Bones” Holmes got plans for a full thing next year. Not callin’ a line this time, but I’m goin’ 20-1 for next year. Have a shfooyadell on that!

O’Farrell’s GOATS: GOATs or Ghosts, this team? Made it to the finals last year, but still ain’t smokin’ victory cigars. Like I said last year: they ditch the massage table, fancy tent and madon…get rid of them foam rollers…now yuz are talkin’, but I’m hearin’ they’re bringin’ one of them ice baths for the weekend? Without the bath and rollers, 3-1 heavy favorite. They bring them things, fuggedabouddit….7-2 IF they got their pitchin’ back!

Weekend Wifflers: Wiffed on free agents last year. Wiffed on free agents the year before. Wiffed on everything the year before that. Posted a minute and a half in a wheelbarrow race, mighta been able to beat them Hallam-ICS guys…with a head start. This year, they’re dustin’ off one of them relics, that Colin Chevalier guy. Yeah, they gotta bat him eight. Look, they still got a tough one with Cayden…that kid can do almost anythin’. 12-5, takin’ all day.

Lions Club Striders: Veteran roster with Gillette and them Kovals from Tiki Pahk, plus Sheldrick…fuggedabouddit, that guy raises the bar. Dark horse, layin’ on 7-1 up to the semis. Now, if they wear shoes and they ain’t mudders, 6-1.

Baldwin Wiffle: Pittsburgh, another first year team. They got a league…they’re bringin’ all-stars, admin guys, announcers. What, they gonna bring giraffes and a trapeze thing wid ‘em? I gotta guy at the joint Atria’s and another at the Loose Moose, says they heard somethin’ about big bats, these guys. Not sure, takin’ 10-1 this year.

Boston Terriers: What, another first year team? They say they’ve been to the Little Fenway place a number of times, dunno. Not much on these guys, but I like they got a paisan Renzella in the lineup. He’s gotta do good things, clutch things, no doubt about it. These others…Mcleods, Haggerty, Gustafson, Kane and Niles…What, these guys lawyers, buffahs? The manager, this guy Sleeper. That last name gets me thinkin’ about a hold I was in once. I’m goin’ 10-1, takin’.

Novo Nordisk-Da Bulls: Yuz would think with Novo backin’ ‘em, they’d pick up some solid free agents and challenge one of these years. They come in with 38 players, 206 supporters and they got high energy. Big crew. Out there on the field, suspect holes wherever Adams and Ternisky play. That guy Darcy, solid…I’d make him a paisan just because. Them other two, these guys order more lottery tickets than my fazool’s got beans! But wins? Madon! 25-1, takin’ all day until I see it different.

Red, White & Brew: Last year I was layin’, with 5-2 on these here brewers. They got bumped! I got bumped. But this year is this year and they’re callin’ it “Cruisin’ for a Brew-zin”. It better be others; , I mean I gotta take less bruisin’ in my wallet with this here crew! My goombah Billy D is back with a load of veterans. The guy Booth, he ain’t doin’ any press interviews despite more and more want for him to resign thinkin’ the other booth is thinkin’ better. So nobody knows, is he good to go or what? He gonna be on the mound, or not? No tellin’. I’m tellin’ yuz right here, DeMarino’s gonna go yard a half dozen times this weekend, timely ones I gotta believe. Creepin’ to 7-2, layin’ again.

Plastic Pokers: Good call with the whole mascot thing, changin’ from Gumby to just goin’ with a big P. Good one, although seems much of the team they don’t like they don’t don’t have the Gumby thing. The captain, this guy Corey’s says he’s got a plan to calm everyone down. This whole thing could turn ‘em into puddy. We’ll see. Another 50-1, takin’ all weekend!

Hawkins Bay Yacht Club: Yuz gotta follow this outfit! OK, look another 50-1, but lay dough on ‘em just because. It’s like bein’ at Toots Shor’s or The Comedy Club, outdoors. Hans Westenfeld and Brian Ritz, run The Comedy Club…I mean Hawkins Bay. This team right here will stumble, fall, trip all the way to a run this way, a run that way and even a run across the plate now and then. Call the HBYC HQ early to get your reservation at the post-tournament party…it’s always HUGE. Or, gimme a call and I can get you in…for a little somethin’.

Polli Construction:  You seen these guys build? VThis one’s goin’ this way, that guy’s goin’ that way, the one over here’s bringin’ the cuttin’ thing, the other’s getting’ the cement. They don’t stop for nuthin’ these guys! Then in no time, badda beep, badda boop…Done! I gotta club in Jersey needs a little work, gotta talk to these guys here. Can they play wiffle ball? Who knows? Who cares? I got my own things I wanna see. Some of ‘em must know how to hit somethin’, so I’m gonna go 12-1, first year. I’m layin’ a box of ziti on these guys; why not, you know what I’m sayin’?

MLW: Pros these guys. They play in all these major league parks and what, they go one, maybe two wins up there in the Classic? I gotta say that Knorp is a still a heater for them, hits the snot outta the ball. That Trey Flood’s comin’ back. Nice guys, too nice. Gotta swing the bats early my guy says. I go 7-2 on these pros; they could win three and be in the thing.

The Gluebags: So they get the whole thing again last year, winnin’ wheelbarrow races? You kiddin’ me? They got a nasty rotation with them Springer and Cram guys, although scouts are tellin’ me Savoir Faire, Dot.Dot.Dot.Dash and Monsey are up for a big tournament games. Gotta love they added a couple paisans with Fallone and Genova. Nice! Gotta go 2-1 to defend, but it’s gonna take a piece of work to get it done.

Staten Island Yankees: First year team from that other borough over there. They say they’ve played up at that Fenway joint before. Who knows? Sure, whatever. Lemme tell yuz though: Tirone, Trimarco, Rigatti. do I gotta go any further? Fuggedabouddit. Top five pick right there. All day long.  I don’t care how many other Longs they got, or some Rooster Colburne. I got paisans. Get me the Sunday gravy, I’m layin’ 5-1 to the semis, at least.

Lexie’s Juicebox Jammers: This here is one of my sneaky picks. I’m getting’ info some of this team plays softball, so they know how to swing a bat! And the’re tellin’ me this kid Lexie, the Lead Jammer, gets everybody jacked to play. Could be one of them things ya know where they play sky high on this kids shoulders. Got a feelin’ they’re gonna bring it. I’m goin’ 9-1, quarters; and I’m layin’.

Boston Patriots: Gotta like this team with a Rossetti, Grillo and Baviello out there. Can’t understand ‘em when they’re talkin’, they got that weird Boston or North Shore somethin’ accent. This one here’s gonna be a tough team. Heard they’ve been gettin’ ready for this thing since March. I think this team could take the whole thing. 3-1, layin!

Creekside Electric: This one’s got hot peppahs on it! The old man Rahaim wanted to join the team, they told him “No”. He offered to raise five grand, they said “No! Go away!” If this crew ends up playin’ them Bat Attitudes, look for serious fireworks. That Mara Southworth dove right in, took control of the whole thing. On the other hand over here, the Wixson guy…he’s got no idea what he signed up for! I say 20-1 in tournament play, but I’m layin’ 5-1 on these guys if they do the MMA thing with them Bat Attitudes!